Online Sermons

Magnify, O Magnify
06/10/22 Singing

I Need Thee Every Hour
06/10/22 Singing

Highly Exalted
06/10/22 Singing

God is Love
06/10/22 Singing

Not Your Average Joe: The Dynamic Duo
Terry Slack
02/21/21 Sermon

Not Your Average Joe: The Right Man for the Job
Terry Slack
02/07/21 Sermon

Not Your Average Joe: Meeting the Man
Terry Slack
01/31/21 Sermon

Only God is Great
Terry Slack
01/24/21 Sermon

The Parable of the Seed
Terry Slack
01/17/21 Sermon

Coronation & Commission
Terry Slack
01/10/21 Sermon

Psalms - Enhancing Our Vision of God
Terry Slack
01/03/21 Sermon

The Seeds of Time
Terry Slack
12/27/20 Sermon

What Keeps Men from the Real Jesus?
Terry Slack
12/20/20 Sermon

Gospel Sermon
Terry Slack
11/22/20 Sermon

Not Your Average Joe: Intro
Terry Slack
11/15/20 Sermon

The Two Wisdoms
Terry Slack
11/08/20 Sermon

If You Don't Know Where You're Going...
Terry Slack
11/01/20 Sermon

Fortifying Frail Faith
Terry Slack
10/25/20 Sermon

The Danger of Drifting
Terry Slack
10/18/20 Sermon

Centered on True North
Terry Slack
10/11/20 Sermon

People Are Complicated
Jared Rogers
10/04/20 Sermon

The Lord Helps Those...
Terry Slack
09/27/20 Sermon

The Just Judge
Terry Slack
09/20/20 Sermon

Jars of Clay
Curt Roberts
09/13/20 Sermon